LatticiaOrganics was created by 25-year-old young entrepreneur Latticia Morapedi, after battling with skin problems from a young age. She decided to follow in her mum's footsteps by experimenting with natural products and adopting a wellness approach to her skincare regime.
Latticia is now known for her handmade multi-use shea souffle, which can be used on the face, hair, and body. The product is a blend of non-comedogenic oils and butters with floral scents, which is natural, organic, and whipped up by Latticia from her home in Birmingham.
In early 2016, Latticia graduated in architecture and travelled to Rotterdam to take on a 6-month work placement at an architecture company. Whilst travelling she found it difficult to source natural products; this gave her the determination to find ingredients to make her own products. Once she arrived back in the UK in September of 2016; LatticiaOrganics was born.
Video credit: LatticiaOrganics - Instagram
"I started to look into the products I used and how I could make them natural but I was so overwhelmed by the paperwork and the pressures of running a business. I knew financially I couldn't afford to make products to sell as I needed to get them certified," she said,
"I started making DIY kits which contained pre-measured ingredients, I then sent them to whoever was subscribed to my website. I wanted to encourage people to be careful with what they put on their skin."
After getting a loan from the Prince's Trust, Latticia had the funds to be able to create her own items. "It was exhausting having to be innovative all the time and sourcing ingredients made it cost heavy." But she was determined to make multi-use products that were suitable to all as that's something she found was lacking on the market.

Photo credit: LatticiaOrganics - Instagram
Sandra Pinero, who works for Smashbox, knows the importance of a great routine, "It's very important to have a beauty regime from a young age, the skin has memory and all depends on how well you took care of it in your earlier years. Otherwise, this will reflect once you get older,” she said.
Her top tip? “Always cleanse your skin before you go to bed, use an SPF and eye cream from a young age because the mature you will be thankful."
Deta Mclennon, 57, admin assistant agrees: "It's not until I visited a facialist that I became interested in anti-ageing products and the importance of SPF. I use to assume it would stop me from catching a tan."

Latticia has featured in Vogue, hosted her own candle-making classes, and recently rebranded her website and products to offer more; from her classic shea butter to body scrubs and bath oils whilst keeping it sustainable and vegan friendly.
“It's a growing trend; I had never used animal-derived products, it naturally became a vegan brand,” she said.
"I aim to be like Jo Malone and see myself stocked worldwide in the future."